Sunday, September 15, 2013

Scarefest 2013: The night before

This year was by far the best year yet when it comes to Scarefest. We left,and when I mean we that includes my mom sisters and best friend, right after the football game and drove up a little past Nashville and stopped for the night.

Before I could leave Friday night I had to do one little thing. That thing was a march in a half time show, dont get me wrong its great but I really wanted to go up to Kentucky! I love Lexington a lot and scarefest is the only time I get to go up and visit. Being the band is fun I guess its kinda hard to explain when you have sucky section leaders.

First quarter comes around and we played a few songs before the drama set in. One section leader, the head one who shoudnt be head, tried to make us do something that not all the clarinets, which was me and two of my other section leaders,didn't want to do. All it is is drama in that section and I cant wait till I can fix all of this. Future Drum Major of the Pride everybody whoop whoop.

By half time everyone was mad and I was ready to bolt but my director wouldn't let me. So during third I sat down with my mom, ate a burger, and kept my mouth shut when other clarinets passed by. But other than that everything else seemed pretty okay.

The best part about that night was the drive to Tennessee. We lost the game blah blah blah. No one cared and i kid you not twenty minutes into the ride my little sister was snoring so we took pictures of her asleep. Then we hit the state line and Emma started to sing random songs and before you knew it I was instagramming everything. Well I attempted, half the pics looked rachet so that stopped.

The hotel was really cold so mom tried the heater and it hadn't been used in so long the smoke alarm went off and woke up a lot of people down our floor. The reason I know this is why my sister was fanning the room out I was sent down the hall to find the prehistoric drink machine I heard many people talking through closed doors. No I didnt stand there and listen, they talk way too loud.

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