Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Life: A fresh beginning

All through our lives we settle in to a routine, a habit. As a writer I've noticed it and I can't explain how annoying it is. But now is the time to break it. Hopefully with the help of a few people I won't be the same quiet girl this time next year. My last two years of high school are coming up and I want to remember them. I don't want to sit down in a cafe in twenty years with two kids and a "working" marriage. I don't want any of that. I want adventure, excitement,  heart break, tears, new love, I want constant change. I want to move from place to place taking photgraphs or living in New York City and write scripts for TV shows, Movies, or Broadway. I want to wear shorts and dye my hair and exspose skin with out people judge me. I want a guy to look at me and not see sex, just me. I want to be free and slowly I'll work myself to that, right?

So right now the first statement I'll make is getting my hair cut. It's kinda like my security blanket because a guy I once liked, loved my long locks. Since we broke up I've wanted to get it cut but I just couldn't do it. Now I'm doing that. I'm also going to dye it a dark brown/red/black looking color that I fell in love with. Hopefully my mother will let me dye my hair before school gets out.

After this.... I'm going to start working on my make up and then attitude. Its time for this shy girl to go far far away.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pitch Perfect Review

A few weeks ago my friends brought over a few movies but the one that stood out the most was the one and only Pitch Perfect. Now at first I was super skeptical about a movie like this. I had never seen a trailer or saw something indicating it had been in theaters. Over the summer "Cups" had been over played with a few other songs that everybody loved to hate. I remember my friends trying to teach me the cup part and i ended up throwing a cup at her head.

I love how everything they sing is strictly A Capella. There was only a few times you heard a song being played that wasn't entirely from the voice. When the movie first started I found Bumper a very likable character even though he was a complete douche towards the Bella's. Universal really captured the hotheadedness a leader can get when they do something over and over again. I didn't really like the puking thing Aubrey had going on.

Becca is probably the closest thing you could get to a characterization of myself. She's sarcastic and closed off from the world all because she's been hurt once and doesn't want a repeat. Jesse just tries and tries to push her out of that sarcastic shell of hers and every time she starts showing her real self he ends up getting hurt by being pushed away. I highly doubt they'll be together in the second movie though, something will have to come up.

All in all the greatest character is Fat Amy- actually her name is Fat Patricia. She's the highlight of the movie to me. When people are down or Aubrey is acting like Hitler she can brighten the screen by rambling. Anyone could tell her and Bumper had a thing for each other, for Christ sake the girl had his number! And the way they always nagged each other over little things. It was kinda upsetting to see him leave before the finals. I would've loved to see his reaction to the Bella's winning. I'm sure if Amy had seen Jesse and Becca kiss then Bumper and Amy would've done the same.

I really wish on the soundtrack they would've let them cover more songs, like each individual from the riff off along with the one sang by the JFK high student at semi-finals. Becca's songs should've also been on the track as well. Still the OST is amazing no matter what.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Riot Is Back

Ey, Ey, Eyyyy. I've been MIA for a while but never fear the riot is back! Since taking a short break from here I've really enjoyed life.

If you're wondering over Christmas Break my oldest sister took me to Universal Studios as our Christmas present this year. The first day we were at the parks our day started off with the Three Broomsticks breakfast where I had the Traditional American breakfast. Right after that we stood in line for a few hours and rode the main Harry Potter ride which in my personal opinion was great, until a dementor and spider got in my face.

Once we got back I decided to do a bold move and got my hair cut, don't worry it wasn't a lot, the big change was the fact I added a small amount of fringe into the look. I've also recently decided to start curling my hair and so far it seems to do okay but I still have trouble with the right side.

Lately I've been having troubles with my stomach so as any worried mother would do I was whisked away to the GI doctor after missing a full week of school. I almost had a meltdown when they started to take fifteen tubes of blood in the lab. I know he wants to make sure I'm healthy and I'm not dying but was fifteen really necessary? Then two days later I was back in getting an ultrasound done of my gallbladder to make sure it wasn't that affecting my health. Everything came back clean so I was right this whole time and I told them it was just my Acid Reflex and IBS.

Now I've got a research paper due in a few weeks based on the Civil War. Since I'm the weirdo of my friends I of course had to pick Myths, Legends, and Ghost stories of the Civil War. At first I was freaked out because I couldn't find five sources and then I realized that Ghost Adventures was a perfect source. I'm just glad my English teacher let me site that or I would've been screwed over.

Oh and if anyone ever gets the chance to try Malic Acid don't do it, especially people with IBS and Acid Reflux. It's super sour and makes your mouth/throat sore/raw. Also it opens up your sinuses and you get sick easily.